We're thrilled to receive beautiful stories from both notes to self® givers and recipients who have found inspiration through our products and their positive affirmations. We'd love for you to share your story, email it with a picture or video, or post it to social media and tag us. Thank you for sharing! Your words make a difference!
@notestoselfsock #notestoselfsocks #wordsmakeallthedifference
“My mother received three pairs of your socks while she was going through chemo from a friend: 'I am beautiful', 'I am blessed', and 'I believe'. My Mom died 7 months after being diagnosed a second time with a rare form of BRCA1 Breast Cancer, but every day we made sure her notes to self® socks were clean. Every day, they inspired her. I now wear her notes to self® socks and always think of her when I put them on.” - Kaitlin N.
"I received a pair of 'I am smart' socks from a friend when I completed my doctorate. I don't put those socks on without thinking about that achievement.....total believer in this product!" - Lisa J.
“On April March 28th, my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had surgery on April 2nd. He wore the black "I am awesome" short socks into surgery and afterward we gave each of his doctors a pair! The effect is as AWESOME as the socks are—they seem to create an air of specialness and smiles are abundant.” - Gwen M.
“I decided last year on my 52nd birthday that I was going to give away 52 pairs of the wonderful notes to self® socks. My birthday is this week and I've had such a great time making others happy with the socks.” - Mazie Y.
“I love the concept of notes to self® socks, and I love hearing my grandchildren look at their socks and say, "Look, Mommy, I am HAPPY!" The crowning moment came when my son-in-law sent a video clip of my 5-year-old granddaughter Paige saying what her socks say. Just wanted you to know that your notes to self are working and I may have to order one in every size for Paige so that she knows that message every day.” - Sue C.
"I am a clinical social worker and I work specifically in the field of Youth Suicide Prevention. I have the privilege of teaching a Health curriculum in Middle Schools and High Schools called "SOS-Signs of Suicide." As part of the interactive portion of the lesson I actually talk about positive affirmations and reveal my notes to self® socks that I am wearing that day to the class. Thank you for making this fun product that I get to share in my work everyday with youth. I have the following socks and students love them: I am awesome, I am amazing, I am strong, I am courageous, I am smart ,I am beautiful, I am joyful, I am happy, I am confident. National Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK. There is hope. There is help." - Sincerely, Leigh A. Reposa, LICSW
"I first received a pair of notes to self® socks while battling severe depression brought on by an illness. I was at my lowest, and wanted to end what life I had left in me. I kept reading the phrases, 'I am courageous', and 'I am Strong.' This story is not about me, though. Today I bought a pair for the person who saved my life. I want her to keep reading the phrase, 'I am a hero.' *Please help eliminate the mental health stigma, and encourage others to seek help." - Angela N.
"I’ve reached the age where many close friends and family members are having grandchildren. I wanted to find a fun gift for that the newborn, the parents, and grandparents could all enjoy. Once I discovered notes to self® socks, my search was over. Newborns get "I'm a Blessing", parents receive "I'm a great Mom/Dad", and grandparents get "I'm Blessed/Lucky". If there are siblings, they receive a pair too. All socks are given separately using tiny gift boxes from The Container Store. Everyone LOVES the socks and being part of a multigenerational family gift." - Steve
My name is Sarah. I wanted to say thank you for creating notes to self® socks. This past January, I experienced a pulmonary embolism on January 6, followed by two strokes, two seizures, and cardiac arrest by the end of the day on January 7. Needless to say, I spent 46 days in the hospital, and while in the hospital, I was brought a variety of gifts from friends and family. Some of my most favorite are the socks that I now have: I am Brave, I am Strong, I am Awesome, and I am Blessed. I anticipate, I will be in recovery for the rest of the year, and into next year. I'm relearning how to walk, so I spend a lot of time in therapy. I loved the socks so much, and unfortunately, when recovering from a stroke or any brain injury you spend a lot of time looking at your feet...hospitals give you terrible socks that have hardly any elastic and certainly no motivational messages on them. I wanted to say thank you for inventing Notes to Self. It sounds silly, but I love wearing them, and they help me to get into a good mindset before heading to therapy. When I returned home from the hospital, I purchased the I am Beautiful socks for my students (I am a college professor) to say thank you for keeping some things going while I was on medical leave.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that your socks are making a difference to people like me. I wish all hospitals had them, and that they could give them out to their patients...at least socks with inspirational messages. I believe in the power of encouragement/positivity for those working to reconnect the neurons in their brain for walking, and your socks provide that. I wish I could personally afford to give every recovering brain injury patient your socks. :) - SarahHi Notes To Self! I wanted to write you to tell you how much your socks mean to me! The positive affirmations are a nice touch to help me through my day! My mom bought me a pair that says I am a great mom. She gave them to me last Mother’s Day. I can't tell you how much it meant to me. (I am crying while writing this to you.) It couldn't have come at a better time. I just had my first child and instead of getting to nest, I was moving to a new town and would be starting a new job. When I had to go back to work and leave my daughter for the first time, I HAD to wear these socks to remind myself I was still being a great mom even though I was leaving my daughter to go to work. It was very hard for me but these socks got me through my day until I could get back to her! I am getting these for all my friends this year for the holidays and wanted to thank you for making these socks! Something so simple that really meant the world to me! Thank you - Kathryn
We have a son with a very rare muscular form of muscular dystrophy which unfortunately is life-limiting and for which there is no treatment or cure. We have started an advocacy group for him called "Levi's Hope" because we believe we have hope in two things - 1) someday finding a treatment or cure and 2) ultimately our hope is Jesus, which we know will never fail us. We stumbled across the "I have hope" socks - which ironically match the color scheme that we use for Levi's Hope. The socks are a delightful reminder of the hope we have. - Kyle
Thank you for bringing so much joy to our family with your creative socks. We love them. They bring so many smiles. My granddaughter who is at college calls to tell me, "Grandma, I'm on my way to take an exam and I'm wearing my "I am smart" socks:) - Janet R.
On April 13th, 2014 three kind, loving and compassionate individuals were shot and killed as the result of a hate crime. My father and son were two of the victims on that tragic day. Since April 2014, I have worked to spread my message that evil and hate can be overcome with faith and love. I have since then found ways to turn my grief into action, one of them being establishing the Faith Always Wins Foundation. I am excited to be using “notes to self” socks for our annual SevenDays™ Make a Ripple, Change the World event. Each time our custom socks are worn, I want people to be reminded that through faith, love, and kindness, they can be the ripple that changes the world. Thank you notes to self® for helping me to promote understanding and encourage kindness. - Mindy
I LOVE these socks. I received a pair from a student. I now give them to my children's teachers. My children select which pair to give for each individual teacher, and they write a note with the gift, explaining why they chose that word for them. - Kimberly G.
In March 2016, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Hearing I had cancer was one of the worst days of my life. I have two children, and I want to watch my children grow up. I don't want to miss the small or the big events in their lives. My initial treatment plan included receiving chemotherapy twice a month for six months. I cannot communicate effectively just how terrified I was to receive chemo. Would all of my hair fall out? Would I be sick? Would it even work? Right before I arrived for my very first treatment, a dear friend of mine gave me a pair of "I am Strong" notes to self® socks. To be completely honest, I felt nothing but weakness. Putting those socks on my feet as soon as I sat in my infusion chair provided such a comfort for me. God was using those socks each time I looked down at my feet to remind me that I am truly strong. I always kept that one pair of socks in my "chemo" bag and would put them on with each treatment. Infusion rooms are cold, and socks are a must. I completed my treatments in August 2016. A follow up scan was performed within six weeks. The scan showed a tiny spot in my chest lighting up. My oncologist consulted with other specialists, and it was decided I would return in several months for another scan. After months of rescans and several biopsies, it was confirmed my cancer had returned. My body did not completely eradicate the Lymphoma. The next plan of treatment for me was to go through a bone marrow transplant. Since the spring, I have received three rounds of chemotherapy inpatient in the hospital. I stayed for three days while the chemo was constantly infused in my body. The great news is, my body went back into complete remission. I have just completed stem cell collection and am set to receive my final round of chemotherapy beginning next week, and once again I will wear my "I am Strong" socks as a reminder of the strength God had provided me with. Throughout this entire journey, I have wanted to provide encouragement and comfort to those who are beginning their treatments for cancer. I want all patients to receive that same gift I received, so I developed "SOCK It to Cancer"! The socks truly changed my perspective many days. I sent out a request on Facebook asking for people to visit an attached link to purchase a pair, two pairs, even three pairs of socks for me to distribute to those who beginning chemotherapy treatments. I have cried such tears of joy as purple bags of socks have been filling my mailbox. Currently, people have generously donated 50 pair of socks. I am packaging each pair of socks with a personalized letter in each gift bag. I am asking that the nurses provide newly diagnosed cancer patients this gift on their first day of chemo. I want each patient to know he or she is loved!! The words of encouragement on these socks are the way to change a patient's outlook about this curveball thrown at him or her. – Heather Cassidy
I battled and beat breast cancer back in 2013. In February 2017, I learned I have a rare genetic mutation CDH1, placing me at significant risk for developing diffuse gastric cancer and breast cancer. A team of skilled doctors at Sloan Kettering will be removing my entire stomach in April as the only protocol to prevent this very rare genetic mutation from turning into deadly cancer. Just putting my awesome socks on every day, one foot at a time. – Cecilia
I was given a pair of your socks for Christmas and absolutely loved them! When I received the socks, I had just returned home from residential treatment for depression and anxiety. So the "strong" socks meant a lot to me. Since my struggles with mental illness became more prominent, I knew that I wanted to do something for other women struggling. Recently my roommate from the treatment facility I attended ended her own life. Her death has made me even more passionate about making a difference. So, I am going to start sending care packages to women in residential treatment facilities. Women that are facing depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, trauma and more. These treatment centers are pretty strict about what items are allowed, however socks are always a huge hit and something that is so greatly needed. I love how inspirational they are! - Lauren
As a breast cancer Survivor of four years, I am celebrating with my friends at the Komen Race for the Cure in Ocean City, MD. My theme throughout treatment was "Sue Strong" so these "I am strong" socks symbolize so much! Check out my twitter for some pics!! - Sue
Deanna wore her notes to self socks during chemo. They encouraged us on good days and helped us make it through the bad days. Congratulations on your wonderful company and thanks for being such a good friend to my sister. - Angie
I have to tell you the story of how I came upon your beautiful socks...I was shopping for a journal or something for Madie to write in while in the hospital and the socks were in the window at Hallmark in Madison. I stood in that window crying like a baby thinking about what my daughter was going through and how these socks were going to remind her that she is "strong", "brave", "courageous". I picked out a pair for her to have every day for a week (as she is in the hospital over most of her Christmas break). I stood in line, still crying tears of joy, loving the socks. When I got to the cashier to pay, he asked if I was okay. When I replied that I was just so happy with the socks because they are exactly what I needed for my daughter and what she was going through he said, "I'd be honored if you allowed me to pay for two pair for her." I cried again at the generosity of this young man and together we both cried. Know your beautiful socks are spreading kindness! Love them! - Madie & Clare's very proud Mama.
I just wanted to say how much I love this company. I have ordered over $1,000 worth of socks in the last year or so directly from the site and another $300+ I've run by Hallmark to pick up last minute. I have sort of become known as the sock lady.This last order was for Nurse Appreciation week and Mother's Day with a few pick me ups sprinkled in. There is no rhyme or reason to my sock giving. Sometimes I mail them to friends who are going through a divorce, cancer or need a pick me up. One friend lost her 14 year old cat, so I got her the ‘My Cat Loves Me’ pair. One friend has a son who needed a liver transplant and she wore hers the day he got his new liver, they were even packed in her go bag. Once friend wore hers to chemo. I have given many of the I am a great friend, I am strong and I am awesome. Sometimes I carry the socks in my purse and randomly give them to people. Sometimes there is a holiday or birthday involved. I just give them when the mood strikes and I have never once had anything but positive feedback from those who have received them. My friends will send me pictures when they are wearing them. They will send me messages that it was just what they needed that particular day. They all talk between themselves about which ones they have, how many they have gotten, how awesome they are. Every person who has received them rave about how they are their favorite pair and that they always wear them first after laundry day. It has just been a really neat experience for everyone all around. I am now getting to the point where I am going to have to start writing down which ones I have given because I have given so many. I am not a rich person by any means but anytime I get a little spare cash I get these socks because such a small thing has made a large difference in my life and the lives of people around me. So thank you for what you do! - Beth
Today was meant to be and one of my best at Vintage Point. James has been a customer forever. He bought 200 pairs of socks over Christmas - not joking. He came in this morning and bought 12 more pairs. Two hours later he came back, as he forgot something. That is when a woman was here - I didn't know her. She was getting socks for herself – ‘I am strong’ and ‘I am brave’. James said she needed ‘amazing’ and ‘beautiful’ for herself. She said, "Oh, no - I am just starting to believe I am ‘strong’ and ‘brave’…for sure I am not ‘beautiful’ or ‘amazing’”. James said, "I am going to buy you these socks - and someday you will wear them." Keep in mind - they are total strangers. She broke down crying. I broke down crying. I love she did next - she took the gift from a perfect stranger. When she left, I gave her a hug and she hung on for dear life. And I told her I want to know when she wears the beautiful and amazing socks. - Nancy at Vintage Point
I bought a pair of socks for my 36 year old daughter whose husband just up and left. Changed his mind after 10 years on what marriage means. Needless to say, her confidence has been shattered. I wanted her to know how smart, beautiful, loved she is by her family. She and I split the pairs up so we could have two messages a day on our feet. Second story: I bought a ‘great friend’ pair for a nurse friend. She and I survived 6 years of nursing school in our late 40's. We don't get to see each other much due to jobs. When I gave her the Friend socks…she cried and said how lonely she had been for a friend. These socks will make her day!!! Thank you for great ideas, and words of affirmation, and really comfy socks. – Miriam
I started a new job, and even though I am an RN with 40 years of experience, I was intimidated by my coworkers and needed a boost of confidence. I gave myself that gift by purchasing your socks and telling myself "I am awesome" every day I wore them. They got me through some difficult days and reminded me that I knew what I was doing even in difficult situations and stressful times in a new work environment. Thank you, I love them, and basically wore them out! - Rebecca
Dear Notes to Self socks! I am Abby Belcher, founder of Abby's Pledge™. I advocate for teens my age who have been bullied, human trafficked or have been abused and/or are victims of violent crimes (as I was). Every year, I have my annual Be Brave Backpack Drive. This drive benefits children that are in foster care. Last year I did extra chores for neighbors and worked hard to include some of your socks to be put in a few of the packs in my drive. I'm writing you to tell you how much of an impact your product makes to the lives of the kids I advocate for. This year again I will be including your positive affirmation socks in my backpacks that I distribute to children who have been bullied and abused by their relatives but, more specifically, a small group of girls who are or will be going thru intensive therapy after being victims of violent crimes to include rape and human trafficking. These girls range between the ages of 10-15 and every year, I present them with a higher quality backpack filled with special treats and spa like items to help boost their confidence upon arrival to the group home. (You would not believe the number of girls targeted by traffickers at this age.) Last year, I started including some of your socks in the backpacks and the girls LOVED them, because they are so cute and make them feel powerful and special. These girls tend to move from group home to foster home and sometimes multiple foster homes in a year. The backpacks bring them a sense of continuity because they are easy to carry, hold a lot and become a constant in their lives when their lives have been turned upside down thru these violent crimes. When your entire life comes down to what you can take in a backpack, both quality and items that mean something, count. I save up money that I earn from mowing grass, pulling weeds, (which is why I'm on breathing treatments for my asthma way too many times) helping to tutor younger students and helping my teachers or others with tasks or chores they want done. This year my goal is to distribute 150 backpacks to the foster homes but 10 special really pretty backpacks full of positive affirmation items for this specific group of girls who have already been through so much during my annual Abby's Pledge Be Brave Backpack drive. I want them to know that they are beautiful and no matter what anyone has done to hurt them, they still have a voice, they matter and they can get through this. I want them to know that every time they look at their socks, they can see that they matter and can be brave too and they can overcome anything that comes their way. That they can heal and get through this and be powerful in their own way to take back their lives and not allow someone else to destroy them. I wanted you to know what having your clothing line really means to me, why my cause is important and why your socks having the positive messages on them are so important to a group of girls going through more than anyone could ever imagine. Thank you for making such cool socks that teens like me can relate to so we can help and empower other girls like me. Best regards, Abby Belcher - Founder, Abby's Pledge™
I am a young breast cancer survivor of one year now and was given a pair of your pink "I am strong" socks at the beginning of my treatments. I have since gone through three pairs because I literally wear holes in them I'm so in love with them :) Those socks were empowering for me on the "bad" days after each chemo treatment. - Miki
After 2 years of remission, in 2015, my wife's lymphoma returned. A good friend of hers gave her a pair of "I am awesome" socks and she wore them very proudly. Our 11 year old grand-daughter thought they were so great that we bought a pair for her. Sadly, in April of 2016, my wife lost her battle with cancer. We were so proud of her we had her buried with those socks on. For all eternity, she will be remembered as an AWESOME woman. Thank you. - Howard
My daughter is currently in a Physician Assistant program. It is a grueling 26-month grad program that is testing a lot of the students mentally and physically. So, I thought it would help lift their morale if I got encouraging socks for test day or just any day. I got your confident, smart and amazing socks for my daughter and a few of her friends for Valentine's Day. I thought it was cute that instead of keeping them in pairs that they would wear one of each set to motivate them on test day. Thank you for encouraging people in this simple yet unique way! - Nancy
As I drew closer to possibly having to stay in Houston for treatment during the holidays, I knew that Christmas shopping for my kids and family would be limited to an online effort. One day I Googled Notes to Self and found your company and all the wonderfully inspiring products you offer. I also enjoyed reading the uplifting story behind the company. I was thrilled and relieved that I would be able to share these inspirational items with the ones I loved, even if I could not be home for the holidays. I got busy ordering socks for everyone on my Christmas list. It brought me great joy at a most difficult time to know that I had discovered a perfect gift for everyone on my list. (I was truly blessed to be discharged to go home just a few short days before Christmas!) Everyone loved their new and inspiring socks. Many wanted to share them with others and the idea occurred to me that possibly we could share these socks and help raise money to fight cancer at the same time. I contacted the company via email to share my story and express my intention. Without hesitation, Laura Schmidt, founder and CEO of the company was willing and came up with a program to help us raise funds to fight cancer. So far I have been able to donate $2053.65 to cancer research as a result of your support and generosity. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people have been touched in beautiful ways through giving and receiving the amazing items manufactured and lovingly distributed by Notes to Self! I love being the "sock lady" and making a difference in the fight against cancer! Thank you, Laura and Notes to Self, for all you have done to make a difference!!! A side note: Over the past year and a half that I have been wearing notes to self® socks I have had several single socks from pairs disappear to "sockland" somewhere out there! I didn't want to throw a single "blessed" or "hopeful" away, so I have worn one on each foot and LOVE it! Now I frequently mix and match my socks!
With love and gratitude - Stephanie R.
One of my volunteers told me her dad was buried with his 'I am healthy' socks on. Which is perfect, because now all is well with him for sure! - Pat
When I began my journey with cancer I was provided with a bag that contained numerous things for use during my treatment. Those included lip balm, a blanket, some lemon drops, a healing stone, lotion, a gift card, but most importantly, a pair of note to self socks which read “I am strong”. That was my favorite and most useful gift presented to me as I wore them every time I was weak, tired and not sure if I could continue on with my treatments. I had chemo every week and at times it was extremely hard to keep a positive attitude. I had many supporters of family, friends, neighbors and co-workers who took me to chemo and that was extremely important to me. However, the note to self socks had just as much of a lasting effect on me. When I sat in the chemo chair and looked down at my socks, it reminded me that I was STRONG and could continue on. I have gone through two bouts with cancer and am now on daily chemo medicine. I have purchased several pairs of your note to self socks to keep me going and remind me that I am Blessed, I have Faith, I have Hope and I am Happy! I even bought an I am a great doctor pair for my oncologist and sent them to him for Doctor’s Day of March 30. For the last two years, since my diagnosis, I have participated in a cancer walk for the facility which assisted me. Last year I had 20 people walking with me and we won the trophy for highest fundraising team! I just wanted to share my story with you and let you know that your product is making a difference and was extremely helpful and encouraging to me to continue on through my journey with cancer. Thank you! You are AMAZING!!! – Sherry L.
I just wanted to take a minute to send you a note about how special your socks have been to me. I lost my leg and got a prosthetic in the fall of 2016 after a car accident. I was feeling pretty low and struggling with all the changes to my life and my mom bought me a pair of your socks from Hallmark that say "I Believe", which I love because not only am I the biggest Royals fan but they remind me to believe in myself. Since then, I've gone on to buy many more and give them as gifts. What's even better is your socks are incredibly comfortable and supportive, which I need now more than ever. Thanks for making a difference for me! - Kayla
I just returned from a visit with my Tulsa family. As I was folding laundry (my favorite chore), I folded at least one pair of "notes to self" socks for every family member - dad, mom, big sister, big brother, little brother. You have a great product, and the Tulsans agree. Kudos to all, and have a prosperous New Year. – Eileen
These socks helped encourage me and made me feel strong even when I wasn’t...during my recent chemotherapy treatment. A friend gave them to me as a gift and I never knew a pair of socks could make such a difference and be so powerful. They are really comfortable and I’m someone who is usually bothered by seams in socks. I have since bought a few pairs for my uncle who is currently undergoing experimental cancer treatment so that he can feel strong and courageous too. - Lisa
My first pair had the words AMAZING! My sons got them for me after going through a major surgery and a second surgery in January. I love everything about the message, the inspiration, the joy the socks brought me. So I've been giving the socks as gifts to the good people in my life! Thank you so much for the socks with powerful WORDS! - Kim M.
After a really long day on Thursday, I came home to a sweet gift in my mailbox. A pair of socks. Not just ANY pair of socks. I AM AWESOME socks. All during my mom's cancer treatment she wore I AM AWESOME socks. They kept her spirits high and kept her warm when nothing else seemed to do the trick. We actually laid her to rest in her special socks because, why not? So Thursday night I came home to my own pair of AWESOME socks because I have the sweetest, most thoughtful dad. The package stated, "On Mother's Day, I want you to know that you too are AWESOME. Wear them proudly. Love, Dad" He is AWESOME. She is AWESOME. And now I can be AWESOME too. - Ann Marie
I received a pair of the hot pink “I am strong” socks from a dear friend after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I love them and wear them every Friday when I teach cycling class. Just recently I bought some of the K-State ones for myself (we live in Manhattan and went to K-State!) and also bought two pairs for my daughter... one that says ‘I’m a great daughter’ and one that says ‘I am a great nurse’ (because she is both!). I think the concept is so great and inspiring that I reached out to our local running store owner to see if he would sell them in his store ! I think they would go over very well here. Thank you! I am a big fan!!!!! - Tanna
Wanted to post an update. With all of the college closings and virtual class startups, my daughter has been pretty downtrodden. Obviously, the arrival of her new dozen left me with no choice but to deliver immediately instead of waiting for graduation. Needless to say, when she walked in the room and saw the envelope, a huge smile washed over her and she said, "You're the best mom ever!" She hadn't even opened it yet. And if you have a college aged child, you know that is a HUGE win to receive those words. :P She even mustered up a hug. It truly was a best day ever moment for me as well!
Last year this time, I had been diagnosed with cancer & was healing from a mastectomy. A friend ordered 3 pairs of socks from your company (for family members and me). I needed to exchange for a different size & you included 2 stickers when you returned my exchange. I still have the sticker on my phone reminding me that "I am strong". As we all adjust to a new normal with being quarantined for a little while, I wanted to encourage some momma friends the same way I had been so encouraged & blessed when I was sent socks from you. Thank you. Thank you for blessing me & that I can bless others with encouragement. Also, it means so much to me that your socks are made in the US! Keep doing the amazing work you do! - Joanna
Hey Notes To Self! Wanted to send a quick note. Like most people, the current state of affairs has seen a good deal of chaos + uncertainty permeate my daily routine; coupled with the inability to socialize w/ friends & family, and it all ends up taking a sizable psychological toll. As an instructor, it's been fairly difficult navigating the new online landscape that many of us have transitioned our lives to. It's easy to feel less-than-stellar, and to feel as though I'm failing my students. But, every morning I wake up, take a break during lunch, and lie down at night, I retain some semblance of normalcy; a feeling of "you're doing OK, kid". Simply by looking down at my feet. Thank you, NTS. Keep up the good work. Know that what you're doing is having a positive, direct impact on thousands of people. Myself included. - Max
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know the socks I ordered were gifts for nieces and nephew who live together in Florida. They arrived SUPER fast and they LOVED them. Thank you. I wanted to send them something special, to hopefully let them know how special they each are, and my nephew responded with, and I quote, "thank you for the amazing socks, they are almost as wonderful as you are" end quote, and well....i am pretty wonderful, so the socks must be pretty great LOL. My neices sent me photos wearing their socks. Thank you again. Such a LOVELY gift to send, a unique way to say l love you, you are awesome. AND who doesn't LOVE socks. Great idea, great company. LOVE and BLESSINGS - Sherry
At 13 years old my daughter’s very best friend, Luke, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Luke endured many treatments and hospitalizations during his fight. My daughter, Cara, saw Notes to Self socks in a store one day. She knew instantly that Luke needed some. We bought I am Strong and I am Brave. Luke loved them!! They were a reminder to him to always be brave and strong. This started something for Cara. She began to look for funny socks wherever we went. She bought countless pairs of socks for Luke to wear to keep his spirits up. Luke loved it, as did all his nurses and family. Luke lost his battle in July of 2017 just two weeks before he and Cara were set to begin their freshman year of high school. Cara was by Luke’s side through the entire process, from diagnosis to the very end of his young life. Cara’s grief was hard, but right around November she made a decision to turn her trauma into triumph. She started a sock drive at her school. She wrapped a box, put it in the library and asked everyone to donate fun socks to Riley Children’s Hospital in memory of Luke. She wanted all kids to have fun, joyful socks for their treatments and hospitalizations. Cara seriously motivated her community and school. Her Freshman year she collected 100 pairs, her Sophomore year 200, her Junior year 300. This November Cara will hold her Senior year sock drive with the goal of 400 pairs, to bring her high school career collection total to 1,000 pairs of socks! She plans to carry this tradition on with her at Ball State University in 2021. Children from tiny to teens have received all of these socks because of the 2 initial pairs of Notes to Self socks. ️- Susan, Proud Mother of Cara
Your socks inspired our family - twice!!
Your socks made such a difference for my family. When my oldest daughter, Kenney, was a sophomore in college, she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. She was going to have to undergo several months of chemo treatments followed by radiation. All of us were very scared, but she made the decision that she wanted to stay in KY and continue going to class – to try and maintain some sort of normalcy in her life. So, with the help of WKU’s Kelly Autism Program (*yes, she also has Fragile X Syndrome and is on the autism spectrum) Kenney completed her chemo treatments and college classes.
Months later she would have come back to Houston to begin her radiation treatments. We all knew that would be the most difficult part for her. I was shopping one day at a Hallmark store in Missouri City and saw your collection of socks!! I was very touched by the messages and felt like this would be the surprise perfect gift to give her just before she would start radiation. So a couple of her friends and supporters came over one afternoon, and we all put on a pair of socks to show our support. The picture attached shows all of us that day (Kenney is in the middle wearing a maroon sweater). That was a wonderful afternoon for all of us. Soo… Kenney decided that for every radiation treatment, she would wear one of your pairs of socks (the saying on the toes was the last thing she saw before she had to put on “the mask”). It really helped her stay strong!
Fast forward six years… my daughter’s tumor shrunk with the chemo and radiation, and has not gotten any bigger! She has an MRI every six months, but so far… all good reports. This past month, my husband’s older sister Cindy, was diagnosed with cancer in Oklahoma. Although we cannot be with her during her chemo and radiation treatments, I have sent her today your gift box of inspirational socks. We are hoping this will help her to stay as strong as Kenney was and to know she is loved by all of us in Texas!
Thank you for providing us with these socks. It has truly been a wonderful gift for our family!! - Sherri
I first bought 2 pairs of the “I believe” socks for my 2 daughters years ago when they were starting college. My youngest said she wore them every time she took a test to give her confidence! Made me so happy that she loved them as much as I did! I’ve since bought them new pairs since my oldest has a very challenging job and my youngest is now starting her doctorate in Physical Therapy at one of the top programs. I just ordered 3 more pairs - 1 for a friend going through chemo, 1 for a friend who’s had 3 surgeries on her knee and hasn’t walked in almost 6 months, and the last pair is for me! So happy to have my own pair! I believe!! - Alice